.:Dark Fire:., Dafnis, EscalateD, +Psycho Barbie+ @ Suicide Dollz and IP Nails @ The Darkness Event

The first post of the night is from .:Dark Fire:. called Annie Top. It is a mini top in the color pack of Cotton Grey. The top comes with other colors available for it. There are mesh sizes for Freya, Isis, Venus, Maitreya, Hourglass, Physique and TMP. The next thing is these cute capri pants from Dafnis called Lucia Capri Pants. They come with a color hud that has 10 pant colors and 10 belt colors. There are mesh sizes for Freya, Hourglass, Isis, Maitreya, Physique and Venus. This short hairstyle is from EscalateD called Zoe Duo. The duo means that you can pick one side of the hair one color while the other side another color. If you don't want the duo effect you can also have the same color for each side of the hair. EscalateD has awesome color packs ranging from natural colors to bright color packs. The packs are Astral, Dunkelbunt, Hellbunt, Inferno, Knallbunt, Mystisch, Peroxid, Sepia and Spektral. The next thing is this cute mini skull black purse from +Psycho Barbie+. The purse is the new group gift for July. So since I have this awesome black skulled purse I figured I would add on with the dark colors. This nail set is from IP Nails called Illusion that is available at The Darkness Event until July 31st. The nails are available as an exclusive for the event and is available for 120L for the fatpack. There are 6 colors that comes with the nails and there is appliers for Maitreya/Bento Hands, Slink/Dynamic, Vista Bento and Omega. Since I have these cute items going on in this post the last thing is high heel shoes from +Psycho Barbie+ called Mischievous Heels. The heels are available at Suicide Dollz that starts July 9th for the new round. They come with 42 colors and has mesh sizes for Maitreya, Belleza and Slink.

Top: .:Dark Fire:. Annie Top - Cotton Grey
Pants: Dafnis Lucia Capri Pants
Skins: .::WoW Skins::. Melissa Dark Tan 2016
Eyes: Ikon Promise Eyes - Paradise
Hair: EscalateD Zoe Duo
Purse: +Psycho Barbie+ Deaths Purse - Group Gift
Nails: IP Nails Illusion Set @ The Darkness Event until July 31st
Mesh Body: Maitreya Lara
Shape: Maitreya Lara
Mesh Head: Catwa Jessica
Shoes: +Psycho Barbie+ Mischievous Heels @ Suicide Dollz starting July 9th


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