Absolut Creation - EVE and CAZIMI
Today I decided to be sexy with an awesome dress and some really cute lingerie nails which totally fits the bedroom theme.
The first thing is a short mini dress from Eve called Tia. Now the awesome thing about this dress is that it has the new strip - tease system which has become a new thing. The dress has mulitple strips options available from being fully clothes to nude. You have the option to make the dress public which means anyone can strip you when they want. Theres a owner option and invite which lets you pick who you want stripping you. It comes with mesh sizes for Maitreya and both Eve Slim and Puply sizes. There are 54 colors available ranging from solids to patterns. The fatpack is 850L but there is single color packs available. This dress is totally worth the fatpack price because then you can never use the same colors for a while.
If you are rocking a sexy dress you need hair to match it right? The next thing is a long wavy hairstyle which is totally adorable and I'm loving it. The hairstyle is from Truth called Reyane that is a new VIP Group Gift. It comes with the stylist hud that has 4 styles from the hair being fully fallen in the front to having one side hanging on your back. The other option is for both sides of the hair to be completely down on your back. The stylist hud also comes with 4 bangs. You can either have long bangs, short bangs or no bangs at all. The group joining fee is 500L for a one time fee and it is an awesome deal because you get 12 free hairs a year that has the entire fatpack. Each of Truth's hair releases never disappoints you because they are all unique.
Sexy hair and a dress needs some sexy nails to match the theme I would think. This next thing is an amazing nail store called CAZIMI that has these awesome Negligee Nails. The thing that I love about CAZIMI is that you can't find their designs anywhere else which means not finding the same styles in a ton of stores. Now these Negligee nails are my favorite nails ever because who would of thought about having a lingerie design on nails because i wouldn't of. The nails are available at the anyBODY Event which ends on September 30th, 2018. They come with 3 color packs which is black that I'm wearing, red or white. Each of the colors comes with 5 styles each for only 150L. There is the fatpack available which has all 15 textures for 395L. It has appliers for Belleza, Omega and Slink.
Clothing Info
Outfit: Absolut Creation - EVE Tia – Undress Me (Price: 850L for fatpack)
[MP Link]
Skins: 7 Deadly s[K]ins Emmy Darks - Almond
Eyes: Ikon Promise Eyes - Paradise (Price: 150L)
Hair: Truth Reyane –Blondes – Past VIP Group Gift (Price of VIP Group is 500L one time fee but there is 12 hair fatpacks a year)
Nails: CAZIMI Negligee Nails @ anyBODY Event until September 30th, 2018 (Price: 150L each or 395L fatpack)
Lipstick: CAZIMI Tease Lipstick (Price: 395L fatpack)
Eyeshadow: CAZIMI Essence Eyeshadows (Price: 395L fatpack)
Mesh Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara (Price: 2,750L)
Shape: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
Skins: 7 Deadly s[K]ins Emmy Darks - Almond
Eyes: Ikon Promise Eyes - Paradise (Price: 150L)
Hair: Truth Reyane –Blondes – Past VIP Group Gift (Price of VIP Group is 500L one time fee but there is 12 hair fatpacks a year)
Nails: CAZIMI Negligee Nails @ anyBODY Event until September 30th, 2018 (Price: 150L each or 395L fatpack)
Lipstick: CAZIMI Tease Lipstick (Price: 395L fatpack)
Eyeshadow: CAZIMI Essence Eyeshadows (Price: 395L fatpack)
Mesh Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara (Price: 2,750L)
Shape: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
Mesh Head: Catwa Jessica (Price: 3,610L)
Windlight: Gwen's Light
LUMIPro Lighting (Price: 6,995L)
Windlight: Gwen's Light
LUMIPro Lighting (Price: 6,995L)
[WitchCraft] Bad Kitty Dolls - black/pink, pink/black, white/pink, and pink/white (Price: 100L each or fatpack 350L)
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